
Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I have once again learned about myself tonight when I stupidly agreed to close at work alone. I would never realize how much I don't do, and how much the other person does when I don't unless I did close alone. What I did realize is if there isn't two people on at the store to take care of customers and the other random jobs at night, it takes an hour an a half to halfass everything done. I could only imagine if I really put effort into it. The fortunate part was it was only two and half hours alone, and it was drive-thru only. But still, I was alone. The fact is, the store is only run efficiently if two people are there. I did manage to get everything done. The only thing I really didn't accomplish was the backroom, to which I didn't sweep, so it still looks like shit. Oh, and the creamer I was supposed to clean. I can just hear one of the people there now. "I've closed alone before, and I got everything done." Well, that's also because you're Superwoman, and that's not an overstatement. It's more of an understatement. In my two months at Dunkin Donuts, tonight made me realize how much of a lazy fuck I really am. I will admit, I am rather lazy at EVERYTHING I do, but for some reason I am able to get my job done. It was the same at Market Basket, Mobil, and possibly Seaview. Mobil takes the cake, because all I remember from that is me sitting behind the counter doing nothing all third shift, yet everything was done by the next morning. I even amaze myself sometimes. Whether you would like to believe it or not, sometimes Laziness makes the world go around. Being lazy sometimes makes you realize how much some people really accomplish. It might make you realize how much you really suck, but in the end, you realize how much you really need to accomplish to make yourself a better person. Who knows, maybe you'll become what the person who wonders why the other person you work with is so lazy. That's one thing that I can't comprehend. I try to understand why my coworkers won't tell me I'm lazy, when I know they think it. I can "see" myself from an outer view, and I would yell at me for doing the things I do there. Who knows, maybe they don't think that, and think that I actually do accomplish something. Probably the reason I rant tonight. The fact that without me there, they would have a night like I had tonight. One from hell, alone, and having too much to do with not enough time to accomplish it in. And that's all I have to say.

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