
Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Wow, it's been a while. It must have been a good few weeks. Life update, I've finally decided to switch to a more normal sleep schedule. It feels really weird. Anyway, my rant today is about management. The act of being a manager. Not something like time management. The lack of intelligence and/or deep desire to fuck people over royally makes me so upset about management. Ninety-five percent of you reading this know EXACTLY what I am talking about when I say this. The assistant manager at my Dunkin Donuts is a fucktard. If you have never heard that statement before, it is made by taking the words fuck and retarded and combining them. It's more insulting, more vulgar, but the retards don't know you're talking about them (that was so in bad taste). But she is VERY fucktarded. She has three things against her. 1) She can't spell. But, that's not the main reason why she is fucktarded. 2) She can't schedule people properly. I learned about the spoils system is school and thought it wasn't in effect anymore, but boy was I wrong. People she likes get more hours and people who rebel against her get less. Take any of the night people for instance. I have 4 nights, another has 4, and the other didn't get any. 3)She's paranoid and loves enforcing shitty rules. You would think these two are separate, but they play on the other. The being paranoid part comes from being scared that she is going to get fired because her boss is pissed at the way things are being run. Therefore, she posted all these bullshit rules that basically prohibit any work from getting done. But, us night crew rebels still don't follow them and are still getting things done without them knowing. The only reason I rant about this is the fact that I am the main reason why she is implementing rules. Before you call me paranoid, I have the facts behind it. I came in one night to start my shift at 2pm and starting breaking things down that should have been saved until like 5-6pm. But, having worked with someone who started that early, I started that early. This whiny bitch went and tattled to this asst. manager about me doing it. Next day, a sign saying not to start until 8pm was put up. Yet, we don't follow it. Then, to confirm this, she went up to another employee and asked if I was still doing it. Now if that doesn't just blow smoke up your ass, I don't know what will. That got to me and I don't know really why. But, that person stuck up for me, so it's ok. I then proceeded to break stuff down tonight at 5pm on the dot. I know how management works. I was an assistant manager. I know how you are groomed to be there and how you are supposed to act. But, I also know that some rules are only there to be broken. That's all rules are. They are there to enforce some sanity in a company, but most are just plain bullshit. I told others that if I ever started a company, the rules would be simple. Don't be a fucktard, don't steal money, and don't be too vulgar. Otherwise, have a ball. Because you aren't here to be fucking robots, running around for a company that doesn't give a fuck who you are, or if you make it anywhere in this world. That's why I hate business, but that's more another rant. But, that's all I have to say about that.

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