
Monday, August 14, 2006


This is a double rant. I feel there is enough to warrant my personal rants, as well as a rant to the world. So, let me start with my rant: Books My rant on books isn't that they exist, but the fact that I can't write one. The human brain is a wonderful thing and me starting the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that makes me realize this. It is amazing that we can the things we do, Music, Art, Teaching others, all the skills that we can do with tools, and of course, Writing. Writing has been a part of my life for a while now. Of course, school makes you take english in school, for a good reason, but there are not many who actually like taking that class. I will admit that during school, I hated English, but I think the reason wasn't because I hated the subject. I think it was because I hated the things we had to do, too much reading something that didn't interest me, and writing things I didn't want to write. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to write poetry. I started writing it in high school, when I found dating and girls who I loved. I wrote it because I was inspired by the person I was with enough to write my feelings down on a piece of paper so everyone can read them. Then, there was newspaper. I joined the AHS Weekly out of a fluke, really. I started "dating" this girl my freshman year, even though there was nothing there. But, she was a seller of the newspaper, and was on the "staff" enough for me to go the room where they were making it, and joined. I stayed every night as long as I could, because back then I was taking the bus back and forth to school. They ended way too late for me to stay, since the last bus of the night came 2 hours before they ended. So it sucked in the fact I couldn't stay, but I still learned much my freshman year. Over the next three years, I became experienced in the "journalism" style of things and reporting, even going out to some event and taking pictures and reporting it as well. I think that's where my love of writing and reading flourished. I loved editing stuff my senior year, and I loved putting the paper together and being able to put my touch on everything I did. But the thing that bugs me most, out of everything, is the fact that I can't write a book. I don't have that "inspiration" and thoughts enough to create a story and characters to write a book. I praise people like J.K. Rowling, Douglas Adams, Stephen King, Tom Clancy, etc for being able to tell a story that they just made up on their own. I don't care about the success factor, I just want to tell a story that people would love to read for a long time. I also have trouble finding a topic to write an article on any site or paper or anything. I want to write down my opinions on a matter or make people believe a certain thing. The two things I think I lack/have are the lack of inspiration and the fact that I am a procrastinator/worker. You wonder why I put those last two together. It's because since I work, I don't have the time to actually sit down and just write. But, since I don't have the inspiration to find something to write, it sucks. But that's my rant on Books. World My small rant on the world stems on everything I've been watching/reading/laughing at recently. It's the fact that the Middle East, plainly put, sucks. Everyone is fighting over nothing, people claiming that we're fucked, and the fact that the world is going to end. I work at Dunkin Donuts, and anyone who's been in one know that most have TV's, and most are placed on a news channel to: a) piss the workers off and b) to give us "information". The only information I get at night when I work, is when Glenn Beck is on, and he screams at me that we are in World War III and we're totally fucked. So that's where my rant comes in. I am a VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRY big advocate of World Peace. If I ever do get a chance, I will find someway to make my voice heard about it, but I can not for the life of me understand why we fight. This coming from a wrestling fan, but I also know that wrestling is entertainment, and not real. I'm talking about Iran v. Isreal and U.S.A. v. Iraq, and the prior World Wars, it pisses me off. Even though we won World War II, it was a bad idea to drop the nuke and I bet that most of you would agree. It's fortunate that we make technology and the fact that we dropped the bomb to win, but the aftermath of doing it is being shown today. Every country feels the need to build a bomb so they have leverage over others. But, we all realize that with the amount of bombs on the earth at this moment, if they all were to go off, you wouldn't care what you're reading at the moment. I wish people would grow up, and get along. But, as long as many religions exist and many different believes exist, that will never happen. When you parents told you that you should always be nice to others because you should treat others the way you want to be treated, it seems that all those evil people could have taken a dose of that when they were young. They know that if they fuck with others, we will fuck back. But, i'm getting tired, and must stop ranting. And that's all I have to say about that.

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