
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Pain V 1.0

We all know that pain sucks. We have been in pain at least once in our life to know that when you are in pain, it sucks. Well, I have had a constant pain in my left leg for the past couple of months. I have been to the doctors twice in May. I saw two different people. One told me I had a groin sprain, which my mom had also told me. The other told me I had epidydimitis (when I told him I thought I had felt a lump on my boys). So, I don't know what to believe. The second one prescribed an antibiotic, to which I took last week, to which I was fine the whole time. But now, the pain is back, and other ones have been popping up. Some days it's my lower back, sometimes my little pinky on my left hand feels numb... So yea... But, the reason I haven't been back to the doctor since, is the same reason I have a nice $180 dentist bill... I just don't have the money to do it. So I'll just sit here in my room, take my aleve, and ice my crotch. Maybe Wednesday i'll suck it up and go to the doctor.

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