
Saturday, January 13, 2007


My problem stems on the heels of everyone's favorite time of year: Tax Season. It also stems from a few things about me and Dunkin's. First issue I have with the green stuff: You never make enough. I am currently being fucked by minimum wage enough, that I can't afford college right now. Now, I know you're all asking yourself, "But, why don't you get a loan?" That's because I currently have one from my first failed attempt at higher education. I would like to get rid of that one before I attempt school again. It's just my personal opinion on the matter. That, and I would also like to pay off my bills before I take out another loan. That brings me to the next point: In order to get more money, I would have to whore myself to a second job. It is something that I don't want to have to do, but every day I sit at Dunkin's and tell myself how much I hate the job and want to write, it makes the idea that more appealing. The next issue is finding a second job that will hire me part time for mornings only. By mornings, I mean 8-9am to 2pm. Not much of a shift, but the earnings will add up to at least 2 semesters at NECCO, which is a step in the right direction. There are two things I am considering. One is the offer my friend dealt up. I am thinking about waiting until March before I venture out into the job force. He offered me a $15/hour job playing video games that if it is true, isn't an opportunity to pass up. He said late February, so if he doesn't get back to me about it by March, I will find a second job (which is Plan B). Two more issues with money: Dunkin's fucking me over. I got my paycheck today and they seemed to have forgotten to take out federal and state taxes. I know I missed two days, but I worked the same amount of hours as another, and she had those taken out. It is an issue that needs resolving. Last issue: Taxes themself. I started filing them (just to get a general idea what I'm getting back) and it pisses me off everytime that I get all this money taken out, live single, nothing to fuck me over, and I don't get it all back. It sucks, really. Money is the root of all evil and it sucks. Like I told my coworker: Classes at colleges should be $0.50 per credit. We would all be happier if they were. That's all I have to say.

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