
Monday, August 15, 2011

Initial Aftermath of SummerSlam

Before I start my rant about SummerSlam 2011, I have to say that I didn't watch the PPV because I just wasn't able to order it.  With that said, from what I read about the PPV, I kinda wasn't happy with the end results.  Not because they were against my predictions, but the way things played out, it seems like a giant clusterfuck and it seems like WWE is definitely moving backwards.

To start, the three non-main event matches didn't seem that stellar.  The Sheamus/Mark Henry match seemed like it was a good one for what it was billed as.  Mark Henry rammed Sheamus into the pole and caused a countout and definitely builds the feud up for the next PPV.

Bryan/Barrett did NOT end the way it should have.  They gave Bryan the MITB briefcase and expect him to carry the title eventually.  Then, you give Barrett a random win over him at a PPV?  You should have made him look stronger than they did and they dropped the ball on this one.

The Divas match ending would have pissed me off more, but if I read correctly, Kelly Kelly actually had a decent match.  Now, my opinion could definitely change if I can find footage of the match and find out that Kelly sucked hard, but for now I am not as pissed as I could be.  Beth Phoenix should have won the match after the buildup given to her, but in the end it will create notice in the Divas division after it being so dull for so long.

Now for the main events.  The Orton/Christian match sounded like it was good, but it definitely didn't end the way it should have, hence the reason that I posted the way I did in my predictions post.  Christian should have walked out of SummerSlam the champion and FINALLY give someone other than Cena and Orton the title.  But it didn't end up that way, now did it?  Orton is now the champion AGAIN after beating the ever-loving piss out of Christian at the end of the match.

Now for the shocking match of the night (and I have a big rant about this match afterward).  CM Punk wins the WWE Title...until things got thrown out of wack.  CM Punk shakes Trips hand at the end of the match, the mighty COO leaves the ring and lets CM Punk celebrate.  Before Punk can leave, we have Kevin...Fucking... Nash?!  Come in and Jackknife Powerbomb Punk?!  Where in the mighty blue hell did that one come from?!  I understand that Nash has just been chilling in the back waiting for an opportunity to do something with the company finally.  But this?!  Come on.

But that's not the biggest shocker of the whole thing.  No, it gets better.  The one thing that I knew was going to happen, but I didn't think was going to happen so soon, Alberto Del Rio cashs in his MITB contract successfully, picking up the scraps that Nash left in the ring.  Alberto Del Rio is now the WWE Champion... or is he?

The way things ended in the match, there are definitely things that need explaining on Raw tomorrow.  First of all, there are now three people who can claim that they have a rematch clause for the WWE Title, and I'll get to that in a minute.  Second, John Cena's foot was under the ropes a la Christian at Capitol Punishment (I hope that's the PPV he got screwed).  Trips didn't care and Punk was the winner.  Cena is definitely going to pull a Christian on Raw tomorrow and he might whine about being screwed tomorrow on Raw.  Third, Punk is going to say the same thing, but his claim is not going to hold water.  The MITB has been cashed in on opportunities like what happened at SummerSlam pretty much all eight times its been cashed in.  The only time I could think of that it didn't was RVD, when he cashed it in at a PPV in a true match.  Daniel Bryan is claiming that he will do the same for Wrestlemania, but things might change.

Fourth, what excuse is Nash going to give about attack Punk, a guy he has NEVER wrestled before (in my knowledge anyway) and never met (in my knowleddge anyway) and therefore has no past feud with?  Is it going to be some bullshit that Trips pulls out of his ass about why he did it?  Is it a bigger ploy to get Trips to be a heel and he orchestrated the con to get the title off Punk?  But then why did he look legit shocked (and by legit I mean OMG Wrestling is fake) about the ending?  Fifth, why was Stephanie McMahon at the PPV?  Not only that, but why did she talk to Punk, Cena and her hubby throughout the night?  Why bring Steph into this situation when you already brought Laurinitis in already?

So now, here are the some things that I got out of SummerSlam 2011 and one actually is starting to piss me off.  The first is that the WWE does not know what the fuck they are doing.  Except the Punk/Cena match and maybe the Sheamus/Henry match, everything they did with the other matches were ass backwards to what they were billing.  Why build up a heel diva faction and not give them the title?

Next is the fact that the WWE Title situation is SO fucked up at the moment.  Now here is how their are technically three #1 contenders: Rey Mysterio lost the title on Raw like three weeks ago and accordingly to the bullshit rematch clause, he is cashing in on Raw tomorrow against Del Rio.  Cena gets a rematch because he was technically a champion and he did lose the Title to Punk.  Of course, you also have Punk.  He won the match, but he also lost the Title to Del Rio, so he gets a title shot as well.  Now, we know that Mysterio is getting his title shot tomorrow, but what about the other two?  Are they going to do them one by one or does this set up a triple threat match (which I abso-fucking-lutely LOVE triple threat matches) at the next PPV for the Title?

Lastly, there is the fact that the WWE is basically only paying attention to the Cena/Punk storyline.  It seems that it is the only storyline that matters on TV and PPV anymore.  The fact that it had the biggest swerve of the night and the biggest WTF moment of the night and every other match seemed to be just plain, I think it's actually starting to annoy me a little.  NOW, don't get me wrong, I am absolutely loving the fact that Punk is the main reason that the WWE is gaining is gathering so much attention finally in the wrestling world.  They are going away from the stale predictable shit to the "what's going to happen next?"  But it only seems that the only storyline you are going see that "what's going to happen next?" moment is the Punk/Cena storyline.  The other ones have definitely gotten beefier, but they definitely not on the level of this one.  You want to run the coattails of the Punk/Cena story, then apply it to EVERYONE on the roster and all the stories you want to run.  I know that every story doesn't deserve a swerve every night, but apply it occasionally.

Anyway, that's my main rant of the night.  Now, I actually found the footage of SummerSlam, so I am going to watch it and find out if I was right about my initial reaction of the PPV.

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