I didn't think wrestling could shock me anymore after the Monday Night Wars, Stone Cold, The Rock, DX, the nWo, Goldberg, etc. I thought the ultimate swerve in wrestling died when WCW finally died at the beginning of the 2000s. I guess I was wrong.
I picked Punk to win a week ago. My sister, who knows that I write predictions for the PPVs on here, asked me a week ago to tell her my choices. I picked the other five matches first and had to look at the Punk/Cena match twice. I wasn't sure how it could play out.
I knew that Vince could do a lot with this Cena/Punk match. There were plenty of options to shock us that would keep the title in the WWE and only one where it would leave. Cena could win outright or we could see another screwjob to have Cena win (which Vince tried to start again, but Cena stopped it). Punk could win, but just have Alberto (or the MITB winner) take it from him after the match. They even tried doing that too at the end, but it failed.
When I picked Punk to win, I did it as a half joke. I picked it because I knew that it was the right thing for Vince to do to shock us. There has been no word of Punk actually signing a new contract with the company, unless it was signed under very heavy wraps. Well, the ending of this match apparently was kept under very heavy wraps, and only Vince, Cena, Punk, the ref, and Vince's right hand man knew the actual ending. So, Vince has definitely kept this ending secret. If he kept the contract signing under wraps and threw all this bogus shit to the internet to throw us off, he definitely hasn't lost his touch yet. But, I doubt it.
I chose Punk as a half joke because I didn't think Vince would actually do it! I didn't think he would throw this storyline of having the WWE title gone from the company. If Punk is definitely out of the company and the title is too, then how is this going to play out?
A few things can happen. Well, first of all, Cena is definitely not fired. I said that even if he lost, he would not be fired real or fake. He is still the face of the company, even when he is loved or hated. So, don't worry about him.
Second of all, Vince could come out tomorrow on Raw and tell Punk to vacate the title and try to play a legal card and say that since Punk is no longer an employee, he can't be the champion. Then, either Punk will not do it and find a loophole and keep the title or be forced to vacate the title. Apparently, Punk will be at Raw tomorrow and it will be his last appearance on WWE, if the internet is telling the truth. Raw is definitely going to be as interesting as MITB was tonight.
Third of all, if Punk keeps the title, he is either going to take a break and the title will no longer be in the company until Punk comes back. That definitely will be an interesting scenario and how WWE can play that out would be interesting as well.
We will just have to wait and see what Vince has planned now that Punk won. How is he going to continue to shock us now. Tomorrow, I will definitely have to write my full aftermath of the PPV. Daniel Bryan wins?! Who the hell saw that coming?! Anyway, until tomorrow.
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