
Sunday, June 05, 2011

A Video Gamer's Christmas

Man, I haven't posted a post in a while. So, while sitting and reading another's blog, it struck that bug inside of me to write something. So instead of sports, I think I shall post about my other passion. Video games!

Next week marks the 2011 version of the Electronics Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. It is like a Video Gamer's Christmas in June. This event is notorious for allowing game companies to showcase their next big thing. There are plenty of expos before hand to showcase some games and consoles, but most of the companies tend to wait for E3 to showcase the best.

This year is definitely going to be stacked with some of the best. For those who don't know or live under a rock, consoles have a shelf life of about 5-6 years nowadays. This year is a console showing year, because all the major consoles came out in 2005-06.

Nintendo rumors of their next big console have been labeled as Project Cafe. I believe I posted either here or on Facebook that if Project Cafe isn't a robot, it will be disappointing. Everything that could be said about a console has been said about this. The one rumor that I have heard that would be cool in principle but not practice is this: The console will be able to be upgraded by the user and would eliminate the need to buy a brand new console in the future. Basically you would buy the new hardware for the console and you would install it yourself seamlessly. I don't think this rumor will be true, but I think it would be an interesting thing to see.

The other major rumor about the console is the controller. Just like how we were shocked at how the Wiimote turned out, there have been rumors that the controller on the Project Cafe will have a touch screen. It will be a controller that people are thinking might look like this:

While that obviously isn't the true controller, looking at that makes me wanna vomit. I mean, that thing puts the original Xbox controller to shame. That this is a monster! Besides, what benefit do you get from putting a touch screen in the controller? You can get the same benefit if you are able to connect the 3DS to the console rather than making the controller a beast like that.

Now being a Zelda fan, I am most excited to hear about new details for the Zelda game due out soon. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was announced last year and we haven't heard much about the game. We are being told that it will be released this year and shortly after OoT3D, which is getting a June release. If they delay this game to the holiday again to make a nice buck around the holidays, they are definitely going to piss off a lot of fans of the series and Nintendo, but I digress.

Now, if you've noticed, I mainly have been talking about Nintendo. That's because I am a huge Nintendo fan. I wish that sometimes I had bought a 360, but I stick by my decision to buy a Wii at the beginning. While I would love to get into FPS games and the other mainstream games that get attention, I have always been a Zelda, Mario, and Metroid fan first. What have the other companies been saying?

Well, Sony has been in pickle for the past month and definitely have a lot of ground of catch up on. The hacking of the PSN has definitely turned a lot of fans away from the PS3. So what are they planning? Well, from the sounds of it, they got scared that Nintendo was going to beat them to the next console, so they announced "Nintendo is making a console? WELL WE ARE TOO, LOOK AT US! WE CAN GET SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE". I think Sony might be sunk before they are able to float away from E3 a success.

And Microsoft? Well, they haven't said much. They haven't leaked anything that they are planning a new console, and to be honest? They could probably get another couple of years out of the 360 and still continue to beat Nintendo and Sony. They have such a stranglehold on the online gaming market that they have no worries at the moment. You won't hear anything major from them this year, except for some games.
I am going to end here. But I will be back and hopefully sooner than last time.

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