Sunday, January 28, 2007
Middle Class
Before I can say why I hate being middle class, I must tell you this story.
My house is pretty much a fucking zoo. There are numerous cats and dogs in my house, it's hard to miss an animal in my house. It is also easy to get emotionally attached to our animals as well. There are a lot, but not enough to not know who is who.
That said, there has been a love triangle between two male cats (who are father and son) and one of our female cats (who is the daughter and brother of the two cats). They have been pumping their seed into her like it was nobody's business. We believe the cat is pregnant. The worst part is that female cat's brother has been hissing and fighting with the father for a while now, moaning and keeping us up at night.
It was no surprise that the father had become sick and limping. We worried the worse today when he started bleeding from what my mom thought was his penis. We followed him and tried to see if he was OK, but he wasn't acting like himself. After I came home from bowling and my sister from work, we decided that the cat needed help. Here is where the lovely rant comes from.
You see, my mom asked us to take it up to the MSPCA (which is the SPCA in this area). The SPCA, for those who don't know, is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (the M being Massachusetts). We took the drive up there and brought the cat it. They looked at him and told us that his bladder was blocked with acidic crystals and that to fix him would be a very expensive procedure. The other option would be euthanasia. My sister is a very emotional person. She gets very attached to people and animals, so to hear that the cat should be put down made her break down.
We finally told them to do it and we left. My sister would not stop crying over this cat. I was a little choked up, but I am not as emotional. It was a hard day indeed.
The rant is me being middle class. If I was upper class and had the money, that cat could still live. I would able to send it to a vet and let the cat keep living and give us another companion. However, I am stuck in middle class where I can barely put gas in my tank from week to week.
I am beginning to realize more and more that life does indeed suck unless you live upper class. Even then, I think they think life sucks as well. But, it's probably a lot better than my life.
On a lighter note, I decided to finally bowl again on Sunday morning. I decided that I could almost afford to go, so I went (the truth was I had to "borrow" from myself $20 from my bowling fund for Wednesday). The last time I went was two weeks before Christmas. I went and practiced and figured that missing the head pin would constitute another bad run on Sunday. I was wrong. I went to the first game and threw a nice 140. Then it was a constant 100 stretch with four games in the hundreds. I never relinquished the lead one throughout the day. That, and that 140 was the hi-single on the first game, so I got another $16 for that. If only I had hit that Hi-Lo Jack. I would be much happier at the moment.
That's all I have to say.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Shameless self-promotion. I seem to be going in that direction.
In Other Words
This is based on the fact that I want to be a journalist/writer now. I have created that blog in order to get my somewhat lacking talents to the test. The blog is a simple blog. I will post news stories that interest me, why I posted them, and what I think about that story. I will not hold back, since it is my opinion.
Hopefully, this works out for me and I am making the right career move. I really do like to write and really do want to write. But, I need to practice some more before I get back to school.
I have also entertained the thought of freelancing some articles to Associated Content, the content site for the people. They pay you for articles, so I might get back on that wagon again.
That's all I have for now.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
My problem stems on the heels of everyone's favorite time of year: Tax Season. It also stems from a few things about me and Dunkin's.
First issue I have with the green stuff: You never make enough. I am currently being fucked by minimum wage enough, that I can't afford college right now. Now, I know you're all asking yourself, "But, why don't you get a loan?" That's because I currently have one from my first failed attempt at higher education. I would like to get rid of that one before I attempt school again. It's just my personal opinion on the matter. That, and I would also like to pay off my bills before I take out another loan.
That brings me to the next point: In order to get more money, I would have to whore myself to a second job. It is something that I don't want to have to do, but every day I sit at Dunkin's and tell myself how much I hate the job and want to write, it makes the idea that more appealing.
The next issue is finding a second job that will hire me part time for mornings only. By mornings, I mean 8-9am to 2pm. Not much of a shift, but the earnings will add up to at least 2 semesters at NECCO, which is a step in the right direction. There are two things I am considering. One is the offer my friend dealt up. I am thinking about waiting until March before I venture out into the job force. He offered me a $15/hour job playing video games that if it is true, isn't an opportunity to pass up. He said late February, so if he doesn't get back to me about it by March, I will find a second job (which is Plan B).
Two more issues with money: Dunkin's fucking me over. I got my paycheck today and they seemed to have forgotten to take out federal and state taxes. I know I missed two days, but I worked the same amount of hours as another, and she had those taken out. It is an issue that needs resolving.
Last issue: Taxes themself. I started filing them (just to get a general idea what I'm getting back) and it pisses me off everytime that I get all this money taken out, live single, nothing to fuck me over, and I don't get it all back. It sucks, really.
Money is the root of all evil and it sucks. Like I told my coworker: Classes at colleges should be $0.50 per credit. We would all be happier if they were.
That's all I have to say.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I must say that I underestimated the aftermath of my cold. I thought this sucker was more or less gone from my system, leaving behind a tickle in my throat and a tiny cough. I thought as much that I didn't take Nyquil last night, thinking I could get by au natural.
Boy was I wrong.
Of course, going to bed at 4am didn't help the situation either. I laid down at 4am, rolled over and tried to sleep. However, my cough thought otherwise. I was coughing pretty much every 10 minutes or so, that it actually kept me up for the next 4 hours. It got to the point where I said "fuck it" and gave up. It was now 8:30am, so it was pointless to try and sleep.
However, every cloud has a silver lining. This actually finally allows me to start a resolution I was going to follow. That was, go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. You know, like a normal person does? Instead of going to bed from between the hours of 4-6am and waking between 12-2pm, I want to sleep between 12-2am and wake between 10-12pm. It is a start, considering the fact that I need to find a second job to pay for school and it will get me into the rhythm of actually going to school.
That's right, haters, I am going back. All you non-believers can keep non-believing. I took statistics in high school and I know they most statistics are merely bullshit. So, take that.
That's all I have to say about that.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
About a month ago, I posted on here the trials I had in asking a girl out on a date. It is the hardest thing for me to do, but I ended up doing it. An accomplishment in itself, really, but the "backlash" of sorts really pissed me off.
The accomplishment, of course, if you were to ask anyone seems a little to crappy. I ended asking her out (whilst making a fool of myself, of course) on MySpace through a message. She sent one back to tell me that she had too much on her plate at the time to committ into a relationship and that we should just remain friends for the time being. Something, I would like to point out, that I've heard far too many times in my past. Therefore, it sort of pissed me off, but my personality allowed to suck it and respect her decision. As much as I would like to find a girlfriend and I, at times, feel like I am trying to hard, I know it just won't happen out of the blue.
The thing that really pisses me off? I find out a week later that she is now in a relationship. So, her excuse on me lasted a week. Therefore, I knew that once again I was stuck in the friend zone, a place that has I have a permanent reservation at, it seems. Naturally, I was down in the dumps. I even told my coworker (who was having boy issues of her own) that I was giving up on dating and that if I wanted a girlfriend, they can ask me on a date. Apparently, my date radar is broken, so I'll let them ask me instead.
Funny thing? This coworker and I had been having conversations about another coworker who she thinks likes me. I told her that couldn't possibly be, as my own personal defense mechanism.
Now in order to finish this story, I need to lead into it. This coworker and I had the conversation above (about the coworker liking me) one night, so I decided to tell that girl about it as a joke. She then laughed and told me that day crew (I work night crew) had been telling her the same thing. Apparently, everyone at Dunks has been trying to play matchmaker between her and I. We shrugged it off, considering she has a strict "no dating coworkers" personal rule of hers. She joked that in order for everyone to get off our backs, we should go out once, tell everyone it didn't work, and that's that.
That's exactly what she did. The week leading into New Year's Eve, she asked me about making plans to hang out on New Year's. I had plans to stay home and play games with my sisters, but getting out for a few hours wouldn't hurt. We both would think about it and get back. Stupid me, didn't ask for a phone number, so I would never have been able to tell her anyway.
Now you're thinking, "You work with her. Her number should have been posted." You're talking about Mr. Nice here. That, my friends, is an invasion of privacy. Actually, if you wanted to get technical, those numbers are there for "emergency purposes", such as when I called in Monday. But, that's another story for later in the blog. I told her such, so she gave me her numbers personally, so now I have no excuse.
I have certainly been biased towards the fact that I wouldn't mind dating this girl. But, there are my doubts. In the name of my sister's advice and me working with her. She is a very nice girl, but she does seem to have her moments. However, who am I to talk, considering how I acted Christmas Eve. That, and me and dating are not the best of friends. I don't know how to get to know a girl properly, so how would I know if she isn't the one. That sounded really weird, when I was typing it. Odd.
So, I work with the girl tomorrow, so this topic will more than likely break open during the night. Who knows, maybe I'll find out she isn't everyone of my worst nightmares in a girl and she is the one. Then again, I could find out she is not the one. Now, I am afraid. Wish me luck.
If you've read this blog, you know me and my history with management. Most suck and if they don't suck, their bosses suck. Someone in the management ladder has to suck. It's a law. If it isn't, it should be. It's the "Management Sucks Law".
My newest rant on management involves my earlier mention of calling out on Monday. It starts Sunday.
Sunday, I went to work in the morning (which is a miracle in itself). I worked the shift, went home, and planned on spending the night at home (since certain "plans"(if you can call them that) fell through). We were all going to play poker, which seems to be the entertainment in my house now. I made myself some dinner and we started playing.
This, however, starts right when I was making dinner. I started getting a sore throat, something that doesn't hit me very often. I ignored it and went on with my dinner and fun. All throughout the poker games, however, everything else decided to join the fun in my body.
Sore throat invited stuffy nose, headache, minor aches and pains, and general shittiness into the party. Throughout the night, it got progressively worse, to the point where I just wanted to sleep. Now, considering it is now 3:26AM EST and I am currently writing this and not sleeping must say something about the next statement: I laid down at 11:30, watched the ball drop at midnight, and fell asleep not too long after. There are two signs you need to look for in me to know that I am REALLY sick. I blow my nose (exception being at work, because picking your nose is considered "unsanitary" there :)) and I am sleeping normal hours. I feel asleep at around 12:30am, awoke for a bathroom break at 4:30am, went back to bed at 5am, and reawoke at 1pm, still feeling like shit. I decided that my general shittiness was enough to warrant a call out, something I haven't done yet at Dunks (which is a note you should remember).
I called the store and told them I wasn't coming in because of my general shittiness. I told them I had just woken up from sleeping all night, not feeling good, and wasn't going in. They said ok, and everything was golden. I decided to channel surf for a little then go back to bed.
This is where the fun began: I get a phone call. Now, when I get a phone call, it's one of two things, family or work (unless it's wednesday, then it's my friend). Since I was currently in sight of all my family, then it must have been work (which I don't understand why they would call me when I just called out).
It was the manager of another store. She informed me that they were unable to find a replacement for me that night and that I would have to go in anyway. Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize how pissed that statement made me. I told her that I was really sick and was unable to come in. She went on and on about the rules and that you needed to find your own replacement and the time window for calling out was 4-6 hours before your shift and blah blah blah. I continued to tell her I was sick and wasn't coming in. She then told me there was coverage until 6pm and that I would have to come in then. So, in a pissy tone I told her fine, hung up on her, and threw the cordless phone across the room, breaking the battery off and scattering my GBA games on the floor. I was pissed. Not only have I never called out before to this place, but now I find out that apparently I can't call out. Interesting.
That didn't settle well me, of course. I got up, fixed the phone, put my GBA games back in order, opened the door, and slammed it. Now, when someone slams a door in my house (or any house for that matter), someone is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, pissed. So, it was no surprise that everyone looked at me (knowing that I'm sick) and asked what was wrong. I told them the situation and that I couldn't call out, put the phone back, opened my door again, and once again slammed it. I then dropped onto my bed and proceeded to clench my fist and almost break down.
Now, remember this kiddies: No matter how much you fight with your family about the stupid shit in life, they will always and I mean always have your back, no matter the situation. This remains true to this day with my mom and her continuing issues with my brother. My mom and sister proceeded to call everyone back and tell them I couldn't come in (throwing in the occasional lie about me vomiting here and there). We finally reached the agreement that I would need a doctor's note (which is something we apparently can easily get in this house) and that if I was still not feeling well to call earlier tomorrow.
I went back to bed at 2pm and woke up at 6pm. I started feeling better. I ate some tomato soup (something I haven't had as soup in a long time) and watched Raw and played some games. However, remember, if you sleep for 17 hours, don't expect to easily fall back asleep the next night. Finally falling asleep at 6am, I woke up at 11am Tuesday to go to the doctors and get my body checked. I only had flu like symptoms, nothing more. I got my doctor's note, went to Dunks, handed it over, told them I would be in later, and got some food. My trials with that place continue to make me wonder why everyone is so astonished with the fact that I hate it so much. Amazing.
Anyway. I have a LAN party on Friday. It is something I have never been to, but am looking forward to. It does seem like it's becoming more of a hassle to attend this, as I need to go get one more game for it tomorrow. But it's ok. The game is free for me, now that I have a $20 gift card to Gamestop, courtesy of my friend who owed me money he didn't even remember (nor did I).
And that's all I have to say for now.
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