
Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Another small two-part rant. Inspiration When I last posted, I told you of a online novel writing site, along with ZU's version. Well, I come to tell you that I officially dropped out of the ZU one. I am upset for that because that basically tells me I am not inspired to write. I say that because I had enough time to write a story for that site, yet I chose not to. I went bowling, worked, and just pretty much lazed around the house. This is not a good sign. I really do want to take part in NaNoWriMo, yet if I can't finish ZU's version, what are my chances on that? Nintendo This really isn't a mad statement, but Nintendo has me by the balls. This past Friday, Gamestops and EBs around the country offered up preorders for the new system of Wii. I have already begun to save for it as we speak, so by the time it comes out on November 19th, I'll be ready. However, I wasn't fast enough (or got up early enough) to preorder one. This is a dilemma, because I have a Wii game reserved at Gamestop, and if I don't find a Wii on launch, I won't have a system to play it on. Odd, huh? On a side note, I am once again bowling twice a week. I am going to the Hi-Lo Jack that my home alley has every sunday morning at 9:30. It gets me out of bed early. If you see me out of bed before noon, it's usually a miracle. That's all I have for now.

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