
Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Spoilers. For those who do not know, a spoiler in a video game (or anything for that matter) is something that gives away some sort of plot or plot device in the game. It could be anything from a boss battle to the ending of the game itself. Which, unfortunately, I have the privelege of pointing them out to people on Zelda Universe. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to do what I do, but sometimes, there are the people who go too far. As of now, they have only been releasing things very early in the game, which I can take. It's basic gameplay and items that everyone will find once they start the game. It was some guy who decided to go past the Nintendo Ban (Nintendo issued a "embargo" of sorts for each week before release. Basically, to keep the hype up), and went to the fifth dungeon of the game. Posting basically the biggest spoiler to date; the image of the main antagonist in the game, Ganondorf. We all knew he is the game, that was confirmed. But, I wanted to see him for myself. I will manage. However, there was some good news this past week. After complaining each week that Sunday's were just a waste in my wallet, I finally placed in the Hi-Lo Jack. Not only that, but I placed first with my best five so far this week (but not overall). A 578 for 5 launched me finally into the top spot. Hopefully, I can keep the great bowling up for next week and place again (and grab some extra money with hi-singles as well.) That's all I got for now.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I am so Nintendo's bitch and I think I kinda like it. Nintendo's latest monster, the Nintendo Wii, is due out in 8 days time. The last week always seems to be the slowest since this is due out in that time as well. Now, i'm not going to lie to you. I am a very big Zelda fan with one flaw. I like the game, but can't find the time or motivation to finish them. Which, I hope, will all change with Twilight Princess. It is my New Year's Resolution (2 months in advance) to finish all the games that I own and that I haven't beaten. This is easier said than done because of the minor fact that I work a full-time job and I only have two days off a week. I can claim that I stay up until 4am and do nothing. It really shouldn't be an excuse. Which makes me think if I should take a vacation from the net for a month. Impatience. The one flaw that many people can have and I was stuck with it. 8 days? That's too god damn long. But, that's all I have to say.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Things tend to get better over time, so it's no surprise that that is how I feel. Better. The three things that I am better at are my health (sort of), my bowling, and my writing. First, my health. Last week, I came down with a cold. Simple little thing: Runny nose, sore throat, cough, sneezing, general feeling of shit. Yea, the whole nine yards. But, I toughed it out and finished the week at work and am feeling better. Even though I probably shouldn't have been handling your food sick. But, I was cautious, nonetheless. Second, my bowling. I have been having a rough go at the thing I love to do. I have (if I have yet to mention it) started bowling on Sunday morning as part of the Hi-Lo Jack tournament. I started out ok, gathering a 103 average, but have not lived up to my standards. I am not doing as well as I possibly could and it upsets me. My wednesday night league suffered as well, going two weeks without breaking 500. This week (aka last night), I finally broke 500 again and hope to bring that attitude into Sunday and as least place this time. Wasting $30 a week and not winning something is really aggrevating. Third, my writing. I last told you that I was planning on writing a novel. Well, I went to write for Zelda Universe and proceeded to fall flat on my face, not writing one word the entire month. This month, the real one, NaNoWriMo started and once again I started off with nothing. However, that has changed, as my novel has finally gotten the kickstart it needed. I changed my idea entirely and proceeded to write 739 words in the night. That is a 739% improvement over last month! So, I'm on the right track. Hopefully, I am not a jackass and fall flat on my face once again. But, that's all I got for now. It's 4am and I must be lonely (although I am an hour ahead of the song).